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The DEVUNA repositories contain source code written in and for Clarion for Windows®
If you pull a repository and place it within a “C:\GitHub” folder, then processes that utilize full file paths will work correctly.
Our repositories utilize the same folder structure as Clarion for Windows®. Here is a list or the repository folders and their typical location in Clarion for Windows® version 10:
documents - CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS/Softvelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/Devuna/documents/[project name] (e.g. CoolTips)
examples - CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS/SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/Devuna/examples/[project name]
images - SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/images
libsrc/win - SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/libsrc/win
template/win - SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/template/win
Many of our projects rely on a common set of templates and include files. These are provided in the DEVUNA-COMMON repository, and, if you intend to utilize the code in our other repositories it would be a good idea to pull the DEVUNA-COMMON repository first.
Once you have registered the KCRCHAIN template there is one more IMPORTANT STEP to complete the installation. There is a UTILITY template, SupportABC, that MUST BE RUN after each Clarion patch that you install. This utility will prepare your version of Clarion for use with Devuna ABC Templates. You will need to know the path to where your version of Clarion is installed.