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The DEVUNA repositories contain source code written in and for Clarion for Windows®
Our repositories utilize the same folder structure as Clarion for Windows®. Here is a list or the repository folders and their typical location in Clarion for Windows® version 10:
documents - CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS/Softvelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/Devuna/documents/[project name] (e.g. CoolTips)
examples - CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS/SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/Devuna/examples/[project name]
images - SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/images
libsrc/win - SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/libsrc/win
template/win - SoftVelocity/Clarion10/Accessory/template/win
CyberTools requires include files and templates that can be found in the Devuna-Common repository
Include files used by CyberTools
Global Extensions used by CyberTools
KCR_CalendarClass Add Calendar Class
KCR_GlobalClass Exclude Classes from Global Instantiation
KCR_GlobalDataExport Remove template globals and ABC libraries from EXP file
Extension Templates used by CyberTools Calendar procedure
KCR_SetClassLong Change Window Style
KCR_SubClassClientWindow SubClass Client Window Extension
KCR_Calendar Add Calendar to Procedure