Devuna-Common Documentation

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A complete listing of the templates provided in the DEVUNA-COMMON repository with brief descriptions.


This file contains the #CONTROL templates.

KCR_FieldLookupButton - Adds a BUTTON to trigger an ENTRY control lookup from a MANY:1 relationship.

KCR_EntryField - Adds an ENTRY control with automatic lookup from a MANY:1 relationship.

KCR_CalendarButton - adds a BUTTON which will allow any field to be validated using a popup calendar. Requires Calendar procedure from CyberTools library. See Devuna-CyberTools repository.

KCR_PrintScreenButton - adds a BUTTON which will allow the screen on which it is populated to be printed. Requires Calendar procedure from CyberTools library. See Devuna-CyberTools repository.

KCR_StateProvPicker - adds a DROPLIST which will allow the user to select a state or province.

KCR_DateLookup - adds a BUTTON to allow the user to select a date. Requires Calendar procedure from CyberTools library. See Devuna-CyberTools repository.


This file contains the #CODE templates.

KCR_ControlValueValidation - This /#CODE template is used to perform a control value validation. This template only works for the SELECTED or ACCEPTED events for an ENTRY control.

KCR_ProcessScroll - Process scroll events for a LIST control.

KCR_FillAutoOrderQueue - Fill import order queue. Builds a QUEUE of files based on their relationships to enable an ordered importing of many files.

KCR_AssignFileReference - Assign a passed filename to a file reference.

KCR_HighlightRegions - Set REGION border color.

KCR_StreamRelation - STREAM() or FLUSH() a set of related files.

KCR_LoadControlPositions - Load control positions from ini file.

KCR_SaveControlPositions - Save control positions to ini file.


This file contains the #EXTENSION templates.

MagicNumberEquates - Generate Magic Number Equates

KCR_GlobalClass - Exclude Global Class Generation

KCR_GlobalDataExport - Control Global Data Export

KCR_CyberTools - CyberTools Global Extension

KCR_Win32 - Win32 and C_Lib Functions Global Extension

KCR_ICQAPI - ICQ API Global Extension

KCR_AddDevunaClasses - Add Devuna Classes to Application

KCR_EnableEditMask - Enable Edit Mask Processing for a Control

KCR_DisableEditMask - Disable Edit Mask Processing for a Control

KCR_AutoResize - Auto Resize Window for Screen Resolution

KCR_ResizeDefaults - Add Resize Overrides

KCR_SetResizeDefaults - Set Resize Overrides

KCR_ApplicationHelp - Add KCR_SetWindowHelp Template

KCR_SetWindowHelp - Set Window Help Property

KCR_ApplicationHTMLHelp - Add KCR_SetWindowHTMLHelp Template

KCR_SetWindowHTMLHelp - Set Window HTML Help Property

KCR_ApplicationMsg - Add KCR_ClearControlMsg Template

KCR_ClearControlMsg - Clear Control Msg Property

KCR_HighlightSelectedTab - Highlight Selected Tab

KCR_PrintDlgGlobal - Print Dialog Global

KCR_PrintDlg, ‘Print Dialog

KCR_DesktopGraphics - Desktop Graphics support

KCR_ViewOnlyMode - Procedure View/Print only mode support

KCR_SetClassLong - Change Window Style

KCR_ChangeWindowStyle - Change Window Style

KCR_MenuAccess - Menu Access Level Support

KCR_EditInPlaceInitialization - Edit In Place Initialization

KCR_ProjectAdditions - Project Additions Global Extension

KCR_SubClassWindow - SubClass Window Extension

KCR_SubClassClientWindow - SubClass Client Window Extension

KCR_SubClassApplicationWindow - SubClass Application Client Window Extension

KCR_PaintWindowFrame - Paint Window Frame

KCR_ChangeFileDriver - Change File Driver

KCR_QueueEditInPlace - Edit In Place Support For Queue

KCR_AutoInc - ODBC SQL AutoIncrement Support

KCR_SpecialEffects - Add Special Effects

KCR_SetSpecialEffects - Set Special Effects

KCR_GraphProperties - Set Graph Properties

KCR_LocalProcedures - Add Local Procedures to MAP

KCR_CalendarClass - Add Calendar Class

KCR_Calendar - Add Calendar to Procedure

KCR_DateTimePickerClass - Add DateTimePicker Class

KCR_DateTime - Add DateTime Picker to Procedure

KCR_GlobalToolTips - Devuna Global Tooltip Extension

KCR_ToolTips - ToolTips Extension

KCR_PrintQ - Devuna Print From SysIdQueue

KCR_GlobalApplicationColors - Add Global Application Color Support

KCR_AddApplicationColors - Add Application Color Support

KCR_ApplicationColors - Use Application Colors

KCR_SetQueryVisualColors - Query Visual Use Application Colors

KCR_SaveRestoreListboxFormat - Save and Restore Listbox Format

KCR_DefineFiles - Define Specific Files

KCR_ColouredMenuGlobal - Coloured Menu Bar Global

KCR_ColouredMenu - Coloured Menu Bar

KCR_PopupSort - Popup Sort Order

KCR_RestoreAllFields - Restore All Fields History Key

KCR_SetFileModifyFields - Set File Modify Date, Time and User Fields

LeftJustifyDropList - Align Drop List with Left Hand edge of Drop Control

KCR_CloseIsCancelGlobal - Populate ‘‘KCR_CloseIsCancel’’ Template

KCR_CloseIsCancel - Add ‘‘Close is Cancel on Select’’ code

KCR_SetINIFilename - Set INI Filename

KCR_PostApplicationEvents - Post Application Events to Main Thread

KCR_AddQBEVisualEffects - Add Visual Effects to QueryListVisual window

KCR_INIClassGlobal - Add Devuna INIClass to application


This file contains #GROUP template code used by OOP extensions


This file contains the #PROCEDURE templates.

Impex - Import/Export Executor

FillFileQueue - Fill File Queue

FillFileRelationQueue - Fill File Relation Queue

FillFieldTreeQueue - Fill File Queue:FieldTree

BindRecord - Bind File Record

UnbindRecord - Unbind File Record

GetNextSysId - Get Next Available SysId

ImpExGlobalData - Import/Export Global Data

WriteDefaultDataCreationRoutines - Write Default Data Creation Routines

Browse - Browse Fields in a List Box


This file contains the #CONTROL template for Queue Edit-In-Place.

KCR_QueueEIP - Edit In Place Support For Queue using a class derived from the EIPManager class. Adds a LIST control for browsing a QUEUE and three BUTTONs for Insert, Change, and Delete.


This file contains the #UTILITY templates.

DatabaseReport - Create Database Documentation

ProcedureList - Create Application Procedure List

ImportHierarchy - Create Import Hierarchy List

ImportLinkFieldCheck - Check Database Link Fields

AutoIncCheck - Check Autoinc Names

SupportABC - Complete KCR installation for ABC [must be run after each Clarion patch that you install]

Makes changes to the following Clarion supplied files:

NOTE: All changes contain a 'Devuna Modification' comment

TemplateCheck - Check for KCR_SubClassWindow(KCR) Template

FindOrphaned - Find Orphaned #EMBEDS in application

AddClass - Add a Class

KCR_DumpClasses - Dump Classes